Pushing your career forward with dopamine

Pushing your career forward with dopamine

Introduction Dopamine is a chemical messenger – a neurotransmitter -, which plays a critical role in how you operate in your day-to-day. It is often referred to as your “feel-good” transmitter, but in reality, it is the base of your internal reward...
Mindful Goal-Setting and Achieving Work-Life Harmony

Mindful Goal-Setting and Achieving Work-Life Harmony

We live in a fast-paced world, where the lines between work and life often blur, finding harmony, has become crucial. Unlike the traditional concept of work-life balance, which suggests a strict separation between work and personal life, work-life harmony offers a...
Knowledge is not enough

Knowledge is not enough

“What do you need to lose weight? 2 things: Eat less, and exercise more.” – This is common knowledge, and yet, 61% of the adults in Nauru are overweight. In the USA, it’s 41.9%, in Germany, it’s 22.3% and in Hungary, it’s 26.4%....
Phrasing daily and weekly goals – a simple way.

Phrasing daily and weekly goals – a simple way.

Let’s face it – setting personal goals is not an easy thing to do, especially at the beginning. Yet, it increases the chances of carrying out a dream enormously if done well; and can bring a tremendous amount of headache and self-hatred if done poorly. In the...